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DocuSign eSignature
Drop your documents into DocuSign eSignature to send and sign on most devices.

The eSignature solution trusted by hundreds of millions of users

Get remote work done faster and easier. From sales contracts and offer letters to account openings and invoices, DocuSign eSignature is the world’s #1 way to send and sign from practically anywhere, at any time. And because it’s part of the DocuSign Agreement Cloud, you can extend these benefits to other stages of the agreement process, such as preparing, acting on, and managing agreements.
Get started with DocuSign eSignature today.

Fast, efficient, connected and secure


of agreements are completed in less than a day, and 49% in less than 15 minutes.


is the average savings per agreement, by reducing hard costs and improving employee productivity.


pre-built integrations. Securely connect DocuSign eSignature to the applications you use every day.

See DocuSign eSignature in action


DocuSign eSignature handles the most demanding customer requirements, delivering an experience simple enough for practically anyone to adopt.

Sign from almost anywhere

Easily send and sign documents on-the-go with our mobile responsive web app or use our highly rated mobile apps.

350+ integrations, leading APIs

Integrate and connect eSignature with the systems and tools you already use. Further connect and embed eSignature with DocuSign APIs. Learn more about APIs

Collect the details you need

Add standard fields to your agreement, like signatures and dates, or create and save custom fields. Apply these fields in reusable templates to standardize processes and save time.

Flexible routing

Route documents to multiple users in serial, parallel and mixed sequencing to tailor to your internal processes.

Secure and compliant

A platform that lets you meet some of the most stringent security, privacy and data residency requirements.

Lawful and court admissible

DocuSign eSignature complies with the U.S. ESIGN Act and UETA, as well as the EU eIDAS Regulation. We automatically generate and store a robust audit trail for every agreement.

Premium features

A cellphone with a text notification from DocuSign eSignature SMS Delivery.

SMS Delivery

Use text notifications and email to get agreements signed faster.
DocuSign Signing Insights dashboard lets you drill down into signer behavior.

Signing Insights

See where signers are stuck and use behavioral data to optimize their experience.
DocuSign ID Verification provides enhanced signer identity identification.

ID Verification

Digitally verify a signer’s passport, driver license, or eID. Mobile-friendly and available globally.

Customer stories

DocuSign customer MIMIT Health created one, centralized platform with DocuSign.

Improving the patient experience

MIMIT Health streamlined the patient intake process with DocuSign eSignature and PowerForms.
DocuSign customer and partner Salesforce is speeding up HR processes with DocuSign eSignature.

Speeding up global recruiting

Salesforce accelerates HR processes and recruiting with eSignature and Workday.
DocuSign customer T-Mobile is enhancing the in-store experience with DocuSign eSignature.

Elevating the in-store experience

T-mobile improves customer experience and compliance with DocuSign eSignature.
Featured integrations
Salesforce Logo.


Accelerate your sales contracts and other agreements without ever leaving Salesforce.

Learn more

Google Logo


Sign and send documents for signature from the Google products you already use.

Learn more

SAP logo


Enable electronic signatures within a variety of solutions, including SAP ERP, SAP Customer Experience, SAP Fieldglass, and SAP SuccessFactors.

Learn more

Workday logo


DocuSign and Workday have partnered to transform how HR gets agreements done.

Learn more

Featured integrations

Salesforce logo
Accelerate your sales contracts and other agreements without ever leaving Salesforce.
Google logo
Sign and send documents for signature from the Google products you already use.
SAP logo
Enable electronic signatures within a variety of solutions, including SAP ERP, SAP Customer Experience, SAP Fieldglass, and SAP SuccessFactors.
Workday logo
DocuSign and Workday have partnered to transform how HR gets agreements done.


Learn how DocuSign eSignature can help you transform your business.

Abstract image for the Are Electronic Signatures Legal blog.

Are Electronic Signatures Legal?

Learn more about the legality of electronic signatures and what makes e-signatures binding and enforceable.
Abstract image for the DocuSign 101 webinar.

Watch DocuSign eSignature 101

Learn the basics of sending and signing agreements.
Abstract image for the Gartner Market Guide for Electronic Signature.

Gartner Market Guide for Electronic Signature

Learn more about the electronic signature landscape, including popular trends, use cases and security requirements, from industry analyst Gartner.

How will you use DocuSign eSignature?

Sales contracts

New hire documentation

Invoice processing

Purchase orders

Expense reporting

Vendor agreements

Internal compliance


Letters of intent


The US Federal ESIGN Act defines an "electronic signature" as an electronic sound, symbol, or process, attached to or logically associated with a contract or other record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record. Electronic signatures have been used for electronically signing offer letters, sales contracts, permission slips, rental/lease agreements, liability waivers, financial documents, etc. They are legally enforceable in most business and personal transactions in almost every country in the world. Learn more in our eSignature Legality Guide.
To send an agreement with DocuSign eSignature, upload your document, then drag and drop signature, text, and date fields onto the document. Click Send and DocuSign will email a link to the recipient where they can access the document and sign from their phone or computer. Try online signing for free.
Yes, with DocuSign eSignature, signing is always free. Sign-up to sign for free. And if you are sending documents for signature, it’s free for your recipients to sign. They will receive an email with a link. Simple instructions will guide them through the signing process. When they click Finish, a copy of the agreement will be sent to them and to you. Start your 30 day free trial.
With DocuSign eSignature, signing is always free. Recipients click a link to open the agreement on an internet-enabled device (like a mobile phone, tablet, or computer). Tabs and simple instructions guide the user through the signing process, even adopting an electronic signature. The recipient clicks Finish to save the signed document.
In the US, electronic signatures have been used since the passage of the US Federal ESIGN Act in 2000. Electronic signatures are used for electronically signing offer letters, sales contracts, permission slips, rental/lease agreements, liability waivers, financial documents, etc. They are legally enforceable in most business and personal transactions in almost every country in the world. Learn more in our eSignature Legality Guide.
It is always free to sign documents using DocuSign eSignature. DocuSign charges eSignature users for premium features like requesting signatures from others, custom branding, signer authentication, and more. See plans and features.
Electronic signature is the broad category of methods for signing a document online. Digital signatures are a specific signature technology implementation of electronic signature. Learn more about digital signatures and whether you need one.
With DocuSign eSignature, you can upload documents in formats such as Microsoft Word, PDF, or other common formats. You can upload documents from your computer or popular file-sharing sites like Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive.

DocuSign meets or exceeds national and international security standards, including strict security policies and practices that set the standard for world-class information security. We continually drive industry best practices in third-party audits and certifications, third-party assessments, and on-site customer reviews.

DocuSign also provides tools such as DocuSign Monitor, that let you track DocuSign account activity across your organization to identify potential threats and take action.

Learn more about our security and compliance posture at our Trust Center.

Ready for DocuSign eSignature?

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