Woman working on computer from home office.

Easy-to-use digital signatures

DocuSign Standards-Based Signatures
Drop your documents into DocuSign eSignature to send and sign on most devices.

Digital signatures from DocuSign

Electronic signatures are widely accepted as part of a modern system of agreement. But some businesses, regions and specific use cases may require digital signatures, which offer a heightened level of identity assurance through digital certificates. DocuSign supports digital signatures to local standards, no matter where you are or what your use case is. Based on our robust eSignature platform, DocuSign Standards-Based Signatures offers easy-to-use solutions that support all levels of digital signatures:
  • Electronic signatures
  • Advanced Electronic Signatures (AES)
  • Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES)

Standards-Based Signature benefits

Cloud-based signing experience

Offer a simple, easy-to-use signing experience from the cloud. Signers use the digital signature options integrated with the eSignature interface without downloading plug ins or software.

Compliant with local standards

Meet compliance standards for digital signatures, including advanced and qualified levels under eIDAs and industry standards such as 21 CFR Part 11.

Deploy with your tech stack

Digital signature capabilities are embedded into your existing DocuSign eSignature workflows. Use our pre-built integrations or APIs to quickly connect to the systems you already use.

Learn how Standards-Based Signatures work

DocuSign supports all levels of signature

A drawing of an electronic signature.

Electronic Signature

DocuSign eSignature is trusted by hundreds of millions of users world-wide and meets electronic signature regulations, including eIDAs.
A master service agreement document requesting ID verification.

Advanced Electronic Signatures

Add DocuSign ID Verification to your electronic signature process to validate signer identity and support AES. This is needed in use cases that require stricter identity assurance.
Three people on a video call.

Qualified Electronic Signatures

Meet QES standards by adding face to face ID verification options (remote and in person) to your eSignature process. For highly regulated use cases or cross-border transactions, QES is preferred.
Man standing in a server room.

Global Network of Trust Service Provider partners

DocuSign integrates with a global network of ID and trust services. Since all digital signatures include a digital certificate issued by a Trust Service Provider, these integrations support your efforts to comply with digital signature standards around the globe from a single cloud-based solution.
Learn more

One million customers from over 180 countries

1 Billion

Users and more than one billion eSignature transactions


government agencies


languages can be utilized for sign and 14 languages can be utilized for send

Customers use digital signatures for many types of agreements

Account openings

Partner and vendor agreements

Consumer loans

Investment & Private banking

Insurance agreements

Contracts or inheritance

Trusts Pensions

Clinical research portals

Manufacturing quality management

Medical records, evidence

HR documents (terminations, temp worker agreements)

Engineer change process/approvals


Learn more about digital signatures

Abstract image representing the DocuSign datasheet resource for digital signatures for EU countries.

Digital Signatures for the EU

Learn more about how DocuSign solutions for digital signatures.
Abstract image representing the DocuSign blog: Signing Around the World with Electronic Signatures

Signing Around the World with Electronic Signatures

Learn how DocuSign supports electronic and digital signatures in the EU and world-wide.
Abstract image representing the DocuSign whitepaper: Implementing Electronic Signatures and Digital Signatures with DocuSign .

Implementing Electronic Signatures and Digital Signatures with DocuSign

Learn more about the different types of digital signatures and which ones are relevant for your specific use case.

Standards-Based Signature FAQs

Electronic signatures, or eSignatures, are a broad category of methods for signing a document. A digital signature is a type of electronic signature that offers additional verification of the identities of the parties involved in a transaction.

Digital signatures are based on a technology standard called Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). PKI is used to create a unique, tamper-evident “digital certificate” that associates a signer with a document and guarantees that the electronic document is authentic. Digital certificates indicate that the signers have completed extra steps to confirm their identities. A signer’s digital certificate is used to create the signature and then attach it to the signed document.

Advanced Electronic Signatures (AES) add ID verification to the electronic signature signing process. Signatures must be uniquely linked to and able to identify the signer. Signature records are capable of showing evidence of tampering.

Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES) have more stringent requirements mandating face-to-face identity verification. (The face-to-face identification can be live and in-person or via an audio/video connection.)  A QES is unique in that it’s considered legally equivalent to a handwritten signature.

In the U.S, digital signatures are typically used in regulated industries like life sciences for compliance with the FDA’s requirements for electronic signatures, often referred to as 21 CFR Part 11. Another example is the US Federal Government, where federal employees can be issued a personal identity verification (PIV) card that contains a PKI digital certificate for signing that complies with the US Federal Processing Standards.

Around the world, there are international standards that specify requirements for digital signatures and the methods used to authenticate a signer. Regulations include the Code of Civil Procedure in Brazil and Section 1803 of the Civil Code in Mexico, Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services regulation (eIDAS) in the EU, and the Electronic Transactions Acts in Australia.

DocuSign works with Trust Service providers from around the world to offer digital certificates and digital signatures through the DocuSign platform. 

See the global list of Trust Service Providers here.

Digital signatures available world-wide with DocuSign Standards-Based Signatures

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