Reach Employees Faster with SMS Delivery in HR

Email is one of the most commonly used channels to reach consumers and employees, but it isn’t always the most effective. The average person receives 117 emails per day and takes 90 minutes to respond. That’s a lot of emails (and potential noise) for any individual to sift through each day.

Many organizations have shifted to SMS as their preferred method of communication. On average, it takes a person 90 seconds to respond to a text message, significantly faster than email. According to a recent study by SlickText, 64% think businesses aren’t using SMS as much as they should. Employees today are constantly inundated with information and oftentimes the important message - the document that needs to be signed, or the policy update that needs to be communicated - does not get the attention it deserves. Coupled with the challenges of hiring workers in mass during a pandemic, SMS becomes even more compelling. HR organizations need a solution that’s faster and more efficient when it comes to hiring, onboarding, communicating and distributing company updates in real-time.

That’s why we introduced SMS Delivery for DocuSign eSignature. With a distributed workforce of both office workers and those out in the field, some employees won’t have a computer or WiFi access readily available. SMS Delivery is a solution that can benefit any HR organization, especially those that hire contractors and field workers. In 2020, many organizations are hiring as a result of COVID-19 (mobile nurses, shipping/distribution, transportation, etc.). Hiring, onboarding, and distributing company changes in real-time via SMS is critical for managing an external workforce.

SMS Delivery for eSignature

With SMS Delivery, HR teams can streamline processes involved in managing external workforces. Hiring and onboarding contingent workers can be done quickly and digitally. In today's competitive hiring space, creating a modern new hire experience is critical - that means reaching new hires on any device, wherever they are located. With DocuSign eSignature, employees can sign onboarding paperwork quickly and securely. HR teams can also rehire furloughed employees by sending recall offer letters and managing other important forms such as W-4 and I-9 using prebuilt employee templates. With global availability of SMS in more than 180 countries, you can reach signers faster, no matter where they are.

SMS Delivery also makes the process of updating policies more efficient. With company policies changing regularly, SMS Delivery ensures that employees receive policy changes on time, from wherever they’re located and sign from their preferred device, whether its an acknowledgement of risk form or an update to the employee handbook. Combined with our responsive signing functionality, SMS Delivery enables you to provide the most engaging signing experience for employees.

Learn more about DocuSign eSignature with SMS Delivery and the DocuSign Agreement Cloud for HR 
