How to Set Reminders and Expirations in DocuSign eSignature

Using DocuSign eSignature, you can get agreements signed faster, without having to manually send email reminders or notifications of envelope expiration. Senders have the ability to send reminders and notifications and set when envelopes will expire. DocuSign Admins can choose to enforce these settings for all envelopes, or allow users to modify the values for each envelope they send.


Reminders are a particularly useful eSignature feature–you’ve likely been in a situation when you needed to remind someone (maybe more than once) to review some paperwork or sign a document. By sending reminders through DocuSign eSignature, that process can be automated and we will do all the reminding for you.

To set up reminders for an envelope, check the box to the left of “Reminders Enabled.”

  • First, the sender can choose how many days after sending the envelope the first reminder will be sent.  This first reminder serves as the starting point for all later reminders.  
  • Next, the sender chooses how frequently reminders will be sent following the first reminder.


DocuSign eSignature provides email notifications to senders and recipients for many different scenarios. By default, all notification options are turned on. Notification preferences give you control over the communications that you receive. Account administrators can define default notification preferences for all new users.

You can now also enhance email notifications with real-time SMS notifications sent directly to a signer’s mobile device so you can reach signers in more ways.

You may not want to be notified every time an envelope that you sent was viewed, or when another recipient reassigns an envelope to you. After all, everything you need to know about an envelope, either as a sender or as a recipient, is visible from your DocuSign account. Email notifications are about convenience so you know about changes or activity on the envelopes you send and receive.


A sender can also set an expiration date for an envelope. It’s often important to have an expiration date on envelopes for a few reasons. The first is security–it’s not a good idea to have a contract still out for signature long after their intended use. Another reason is an old envelope could include outdated information, such as pricing or company stats. Finally, an expiration date creates a sense of urgency for the signer.

To set an expiration date, the sender decides how many days after sending the envelope it will expire. The sender can also set how many days prior to the expiration date the signer will receive a reminder.

Reminders, expiration dates and notifications are helpful features of DocuSign eSignature that simplify processes and make it easier to get your work done.

Learn more about Reminders and Expirations and Notifications in our Support Center.
