Benefits of Electronic Signature for Real Estate Agents

We’ve reached a tipping point in the real estate industry: most home buyers now expect digital experiences and processes rather than paper-based ones. It’s not just millennial buyers who crave the convenience of completing tasks online. Buyers of all ages are choosing to avoid paperwork when they have the option. 

Leading REALTORS® have caught on. According to the NAR Member Profile 2021:

  • You can hardly find a REALTOR® who doesn’t use a smartphone daily or nearly every day—96% have embraced the technology. 
  • To communicate with current clients, REALTORS® are just as likely to use text messaging (93%) and e-mail (89%) as the telephone (90%). 
  • More than two-thirds of REALTORS® have their own business website. These sites typically include property listings (81%), information to help buyers and sellers (69%) and a link to their firm’s website (66%). 

There are many advantages to implementing digital technology for your real estate brokerages. If you’re looking for real estate software that can help you quickly increase client satisfaction and improve agent productivity, consider the benefits of implementing e-signature technology. 

Why use e-signature for real estate? 

E-signature technology allows your clients and all other stakeholders in the homebuying process to sign documents electronically. When you handle real estate forms digitally, you can eliminate many of the most inefficient tasks from the homebuying process. 

With e-signature technology, your brokerage can:

  • Hone your competitive edge. Today’s buyers are more informed and digitally savvy than ever. There’s mounting pressure on agents to keep up, especially as millennials dominate the market. To do the job well, you need a digital toolkit to meet your clients’ heightened expectations. Start by eliminating paperwork—and the pain of endless documents that must be printed, signed, mailed and faxed. 
  • Close deals faster. As an agent, your work revolves around real estate forms that can be time-consuming to complete. Any delay in the process increases the chances that fed-up clients will take their business elsewhere and tell their friends to do the same. According to the National Association of REALTORS®, members rely on repeat clients and referrals from past clients for 30% of their business. With e-signature technology, you can use agreement templates to save time and ensure that clients sign and fill out forms correctly—every time. E-signature can help you complete real estate agreements faster. In fact, 80% of DocuSign transactions are completed in less than 24 hours.
  • Spend more time with clients, less time on paperwork. Real estate runs on relationships, which are built on exceeding clients’ expectations. Nowadays, that means catering to the digital, on-demand experiences that buyers and sellers expect. For example, clients won’t tolerate being asked to fill out and fax a purchase and sale agreement, or to print, sign, scan and mail sellers’ disclosure forms. With e-signature technology, you can drive a significant increase in customer satisfaction scores among your clients. Digital agreements and e-signature can save you time and eliminate the administrative work of managing physical paperwork and rekeying data that exposes you to risk.       
  • Save time and money. E-signature enables you to eliminate the costs associated with printing, shipping and storing documents. When you replace manual workflows with digital signatures and automated processes, you can do business faster and more cost-efficiently. 

If you’re intrigued by the benefits of e-signature technology, your next step should be to evaluate the solutions on the market and look for the most robust platform available. 

Five ways DocuSign eSignature can help

DocuSign eSignature is designed to help you extend your competitive advantage, spend more time with clients and close deals faster while reducing your administrative costs. With eSignature, you can:

  1. Sign in seconds. When you set up your account, you’ll choose a signature pre-designed by DocuSign or you can draw your own to use in every communication with clients. 
  2. Personalize your digital communications. Just upload a headshot, and your clients will be able to put a face to the great service they’re receiving. 
  3. Enhance your brand. Add professional branding into every email or digital document you send. 
  4. Stay productive on the go. Our award-winning mobile app can help you to stay productive and handle every aspect of your business, whether you’re at your desk or at an open house. 
  5. Save time. Use eSignature to route forms to all stakeholders in an efficient workflow.

As you evaluate real estate agent software, you may encounter solutions that were built for other industries and merely customized for REALTORS®. By contrast, DocuSign eSignature is: 

  • Built for real estate. It’s designed to be easy to use, mobile and always available. 
  • Trusted. It’s easier for clients to do business with you when you use a solution they already know and trust. DocuSign is a trusted and recognized brand name for e-signature technology.
  • Easy. You can get up and running in minutes, and your clients will always know exactly where to sign. 
  • Connected to the tools you already use. Send out a listing agreement, sign a contract right from your email account, and upload documents straight from popular cloud storage solutions. With 350+ pre-built integrations, including Moxiworks, Brokersumo, zipLogix, Google, Box and more, it’s easy to embed DocuSign into platforms already in use. 
  • Secure. In fact, electronic signatures are more secure than traditional wet signatures. 

Talk to us in San Diego—or try DocuSign e-Signature today

Don’t wait to start experiencing the benefits of e-signature for your business. DocuSign offers several real estate-specific plans with pricing to meet your budget. And because we partner with NAR (we’re their exclusive eSignature provider), we can offer special pricing for NAR members.

If you’re ready to evaluate your options, check out DocuSign Real Estate Pricing Plans.
