Document Generation for Sales Quotes and Contracts

Manually generating sales quotes and contracts for signature typically involves working across multiple systems and departments, which is time consuming, slows down deals and introduces the opportunity for error. Document generation solutions for sales teams automate the creation of quotes and contracts, saving time and helping teams focus on selling, decreasing turnaround times, and creating shorter sales cycles.

Many types of documents can be generated from a solution like DocuSign Gen for Salesforce. Common types of documents include Master Service Agreements (MSA), Statements of Work (SOW) and non-disclosure agreements. Since it’s built natively within Salesforce, its real power is when Salesforce data can be automatically pulled into a document - a document that can be generated in seconds, with a single click.

Quote generation is another one of the most common use cases for document generation. One key difference with quote generation is that the complexities of sales quotes often require more complicated template set-up to get to the desired end result.

Salesforce CPQ is dedicated to streamlining quote-to-cash and aligning quotes with customer needs, guiding complex product and service configurations, and getting discounts and pricing approved. DocuSign Gen integrates seamlessly with Salesforce CPQ, allowing Gen to support advanced quote generation by making it easier to customize, and also by supporting more advanced functionality for different industries.

The three biggest industries using document generation for quotes are technology, manufacturing and automotive. Organizations in these industries typically have a big catalog of products that can be customized and are often sold as subscriptions, requiring sales reps to not only know which product SKUs are available, but to also understand how they can be sold, which ones can be packaged together, and at what discounts. Potential customers need to be able to see a quote that spells out what is being sold in a clear and concise manner.

DocuSign Gen for Salesforce supports exactly such use cases with:

  • Conditional documents: allows for complete documents to be included (or excluded) from a quote, based on Salesforce data. For example, if a quote is being generated that includes a product that requires services, an entire services agreement can be automatically added to the quote. The sales rep doesn’t need to take any additional steps, it’s all driven off the Salesforce fields. 
  • Localized Fields: a group of specific fields that Gen supports. One example is currency or date formats that are driven off the user’s locale. If a user’s location is set to Germany, any quotes they generate will be in euros, or in a day/month/year format instead of month/day/year.
  • Complex Tables: Gen automates how data is structured and displayed within tables. The most common example is in a multi-year subscription with varying price by year. Instead of having to manually break discounts down by year, Gen can summarize the final subscription price by year, making it easier for the prospect or customer to understand the breakdown for each year. 

Once a quote is generated, you can easily send it for signature or take additional actions with DocuSign’s suite of agreement cloud solutions.

Learn more about the integration between DocuSign Gen for Salesforce and Salesforce CPQ.
