A building against an orange background.

It’s not just a good IDEA. It’s the law.

Is your agency ready for the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act?
Timeline for the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act.

Less forms. More reform.

The 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (21st Century IDEA) is a new law that will greatly improve the public’s digital interactions with the federal government. It establishes deadlines for federal agencies to provide modern, mobile, and accessible government websites, digital forms and services, and electronic signatures.

An icon showing a piece of paper with a to do list.

Are you on track? Let’s check.

To make complying with the 21st Century IDEA easy, we’ve prepared a simple checklist of requirements you can use to gauge whether your agency is on track with the law.

Nobody needs a Federal Department of Paper.

Aside from pesky cuts, paper causes reams of inefficiency, waste, and frustrated citizens.

More eye-opening data in this white paper

$38.7 billion per year
The annual cost to the federal government to manage paperwork
11 Billion hours
Annual time the public spends to fill out federal paperwork
Average score for 15 federal agencies in Forrester’s CX Index
FedRamp logo

Which public sector agencies trust DocuSign? Look around.

Over 800 public sector agencies, including a number of federal cabinet-level agencies, trust DocuSign to help them achieve greater public confidence, quality and service levels. DocuSign is authorized by the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, or FedRAMP, and is listed on the FedRAMP marketplace with a Government Community Cloud deployment model at the Moderate impact level.

A step-by-step guide to creating happier citizens.

The stakes have never been higher. A poor citizen experience can result in wasted taxpayer dollars, increased oversight, increased workforce churn, and most importantly, delays in the critical services that citizens rely on. Read this eBook, developed with the Government Business Council, to understand the costs of a poor citizen experience and what you can do to improve it.

Download the eBook

Get yourself IDEA-ready.

A miniture figurine man on a paper maze.

Is Your Agency Ready for the 21st Century IDEA Act?

March 4, 2019

The 21st Century IDEA Act Is Now Law. Here’s What It Means.

December 21, 2018

DocuSign Applauds 21st Century IDEA Act Progress, Urges Congress to Pass Bill

November 30, 2018