White Papers

The Evolution of B2B Sales: Trends and Transformations

Over the past few years, sales teams have been inching toward digital transformation. Progress was slow and steady—until the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digitization trajectory, and now there’s no turning back. As B2B sellers prepare to manage a majority of their deals in a purely remote environment, they’re making changes quickly.

In this research report, DocuSign presents data from more than 750 sales professionals, examining the rapidly evolving state of selling processes and priorities. Inside, you’ll see data about modern sales trends, including:

  • The growing focus on using technology to deliver a superior customer experience
  • How successful sales teams adapted to remote selling during the pandemic and how they expect to sell post-pandemic
  • Why digitizing and automating the contract process needs to be a priority for any sales process

Get a glimpse into the report with DocuSign's Enterprise Sales VP, Michael Cipolla.

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