Digital Days

The Business Impact of Sales Contracting Transformation - Watch Now!

The sales process, from opportunity to revenue recognition and every step between is constantly changing, but never more than over the past year. Sales teams now expect half of all B2B deals to be fully remote with no in-person interaction. We’ll dig into the new state of B2B sales including what teams are doing to adapt, key technologies involved and specifically how contracting tools can move the needle for sales.

Join us to hear how modern contracting solutions can impact transformation happening in sales and see how it played out at a large business services company.

Key takeaways:

  • Explore the new B2B sales environment that is driving the need for business agility
  • Understand how modern contracting can move a company’s transformation initiatives forward
  • See the impact that contracting-led transformation had on sales at a fortune 500 company
  • Get tips and best practices on how to successfully implement contracting software for sales

Michael Martin, DocuSign Practice Director, Simplus
David Odegard, Principal CLM Consultant, Simplus
Phil Dawsey, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, DocuSign

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