A restaurant owner signing and paying for her produce delivery in one step with DocuSign Payments.

Sign and pay in a single step

DocuSign Payments

Stop chasing payments

Use DocuSign Payments to get paid instantly, every time. It’s simple for your customer: When it’s time to sign, you can request payment. Your customer can pay with a credit card, debit card, ACH bank transfer (compatible with USD), SEPA bank transfer (compatible with EUR), Apple Pay or Google Pay. An approved payment allows the agreement envelope to complete, with the payment record included in the agreement’s audit trail. For your customer, it is fast and convenient. For you, it eliminates the costs, delays, and non-payment risks of manual billing.


Say goodbye to complicated collections.
Person icon with a heart on top

Make customers happy

Deliver a superior customer experience by providing the ability to sign and pay from almost anywhere in the world, on most devices.

An icon of a hand holding cash.

Get paid faster

Don’t wait until it's too late. Accelerate your cash received and eliminate the risk of nonpayment.

Icon of a coin going into a coinslot

Lower your costs

Avoid the costs, errors, and time associated with manual collection of payments.

Solution features

With support for numerous payment gateways and a robust set of features,
DocuSign Payments makes it easier than ever to get paid.

Many ways to pay

Accept major credit cards, debit cards, ACH payments, SEPA Payments, Apple Pay or Google Pay.

Quick setup

No code needed for integrations with the most popular payment gateways, including Authorize.net, Braintree, Cybersource, Elavon, Stripe and Zuora.

Saved payment methods

Store signer payment methods securely for future charges or recurring payments.

Automated tracking

Add metadata to DocuSign agreements to track payments in your payment gateway dashboard, and capture receipt of payment in our digital audit trail.


Stay secure and compliant with the Payment Card Industry Security Standard (PCI DSS).

Flexible payment terms

Request payments that meet your requirements, such as adjusting amounts or making payment optional.
A man on a directors chair on a football field.

Blockparty delivers great fan experiences

“I was looking for a system where we could customize contracts, have it brandable, have the template ready to go, and then also be able to take payments as soon as the consumer was ready to transact with us. And we found that.”

—Steve Gilman, Co-Founder and COO, Blockparty
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Why it pays to connect payments and agreements into a single workflow


65% of businesses experience payment delays or failure to collect *


20% of businesses spend more than 10 hours per week chasing payments.*


More than $1B processed with DocuSign Payments
Featured integrations

Customers can sign and pay many types of agreements



Membership fees



Payment authorizations


Event registrations

Late fees

Start streamlining payments today

Contact sales


We have pre-built integrations with leading payment gateways so you can make payments part of your existing DocuSign eSignature workflows. Request payments by placing the DocuSign Payments tag onto any agreement. Then, your customer can enter payment details in the standard DocuSign eSignature signing experience.
A payment gateway processes payments and facilitates routing payment to your bank. You do need to sign up or have an existing account with a DocuSign-supported payment gateway in order to take advantage of DocuSign Payments. Our currently supported payment gateways are Authorize.net, Braintree, Cybersource, Elavon, Stripe and Zuora.
Your choice of payment gateway determines which payment methods you can accept:
• Authorize.net: Credit/debit cards, ACH payments
• Braintree (powered by PayPal): Credit/debit cards, PayPal
• Cybersource: Credit/debit cards
• Elavon: Credit/debit cards, ACH payments
• Stripe: Credit/debit cards, ACH payments, SEPA payments, Apple Pay, Google Pay
• Zuora: Credit/debit cards
Yes - for a full list of countries and currencies supported, please refer to our Support page.
DocuSign Payments is included in Business Pro and Enterprise Pro plans for DocuSign eSignature, and is available with some additional plans for a fee. You pay your payment gateway provider’s transaction fees directly to that provider. See the fee schedules for Stripe, Braintree, and Authorize.net and contact CyberSource, Zuora, and Elavon for more information.
Yes, with SEPA Payments for Stripe, you can enable your signers to submit payment in Euro using their International Bank Account Number (IBAN). Please note: The SEPA Bank Transfer option is only compatible with Euro.