Two women in an office meeting room walking and talking while looking at a document.

Accelerate how you create and negotiate agreements

DocuSign Negotiate for Salesforce

Do business faster

By helping automate the generation, negotiation, and approval of customized agreements, DocuSign Negotiate for Salesforce lets you do business faster.

With Negotiate, reps can automatically generate agreements from customer, product, and pricing data in Salesforce. They can also insert or exclude content based on business rules or Salesforce data, such as deal size. Reps can then use Negotiate to collaborate with internal and external reviewers for negotiation and approvals. 

Everything is tracked centrally, with version control and an audit trail of who did what and when. And it’s all integrated with Salesforce and with DocuSign eSignature—which means you can automate generating, negotiating, and signing the agreement, then automatically store it back in Salesforce.

Features and benefits

Icon of data merging

Seamlessly merge Salesforce data

Eliminate duplicate data entry, ensuring accurate, instantly-created agreements.
Handshake icon

Simplified collaboration

Enable efficient collaboration through internal approvals, external reviews, and document redlining.
Agreement icon

Version control

Maintain a central, version-controlled record of an agreement’s changes during negotiation.

Accelerate your deals

Application showing contract proposal details
Laptop screen showing an example of a legal agreement being prepared for signature.

Prepare agreements instantly

  • Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)
  • Quotes
  • Proposals
  • Contracts
  • Agreements
  • Invoices
Learn more

Negotiate is built for small and medium-sized businesses

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Download DocuSign Negotiate for Salesforce from AppExchange and get a 30-day free trial.
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Discover the simplified way to generate and negotiate agreements.
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Deploy in minutes with clicks, not code. See for yourself.

Prepare and negotiate agreements from Salesforce in just a few clicks

Starting at $40 per user, per month
Try Negotiate for Free