eSignature REST API v2.0 entering maintenance mode

Beginning February 2022, the eSignature REST API version 2.0 will enter maintenance mode. From now until then, DocuSign is progressively ending proactive maintenance of the SDK, including not only API endpoints, but documentation, SDKs, and tools. 

DocuSign recommends that all developers use the current API, version 2.1, with OAuth authentication, in all new integrations. Version 2.1 contains new features not supported in 2.0, and is the only version in which new features are introduced. However, for the foreseeable future, version 2.0 will still be active, calls to the 2.0 API will still work, and integrations using version 2.0 will still be supported. 

Version 2.0 transition

The following diagram details how the transition to maintenance mode for version 2.0 will be implemented:

Schedule, version 2.0 transition to maintenance mode

Upgrading to v2.1

The eSignature REST API v2.1 is an incremental improvement over v2.0; you will find much that is familiar between v2 and v2.1. Thus, the costs of upgrading to v2.1 are not high, and developers will gain a host of benefits from the new version: 

  • OAuth authentication enables Single Sign On and better security.
  • Many API calls can return related data objects in a single call.
  • Many attributes that used comma-separated values in v2.0 now use proper arrays for multiple values in v2.1.
  • Envelope search options have been expanded.
  • Bulk send via the API has been improved to support templates and additional options.
  • V2.1 supports template folders and sharing, comments, and witness authentication.
  • New DocuSign features will only be released for v2.1.

Signature SOAP API

The eSignature SOAP API will continue to be supported and is not affected by this plan.

Related transition documentation

Additional resources

Matt Lusher
Matthew Lusher
Senior Programmer Writer