Developer Spotlight: Shubhashis Roy Dipta, Sapien.Network

Spotlight Developer, Shubhashis Roy Dipta

Shubhashis Roy Dipta is a full stack software engineer, working for Sapien.Network in Bangladesh, with a real passion for development: as a computer science student, he participated in over 40 programming contests and independently solved over 2000 coding problems. Since graduation, he's focused on mobile and web development, primarily using Node.js, React, and React Native. In addition, he's worked on several research projects on deep learning in bioinformatics as well as natural language processing. He's also a co-founder of his own e-commerce company, UniShopr.

One of Shubhashis's many clients was a real estate startup, HardHats, for whom he built a DocuSign integration to create electronic deeds and facilitate signing. His solution, built from scratch, used DocuSign templates to generate envelopes for the deeds and incorporated embedded signing to present the experience within the app itself. As this was his first DocuSign integration, he found the documentation invaluable: “Their easy-to-use documentation made the process smooth.”

In his spare time, Shubhashis continues to research, work on coding problems, and contribute to the online developer community; you can see some of his work on Medium. You can reach Shubhashis at LinkedIn.

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Matt Lusher
Matthew Lusher
Senior Programmer Writer