All in for DocuSign IMPACT
Our Philosophy
Our Business
Since our founding in 2003, DocuSign has enabled millions of customers around the world to realize productivity and efficiency gains in their businesses, while reducing their impact on the environment. We appreciate the opportunity to expand and grow the impact we can have on our communities and our planet through this integrated global initiative.
Our Time
We believe in promoting a culture of giving back and community support throughout our organization. Our employees are encouraged to take action in their own communities by volunteering with organizations and causes they believe in. And we are proud to support that action by providing up to 24 hours paid time off a year for these pursuits.
Our Foundation
The DocuSign IMPACT Foundation matches employee donations to qualifying 501(c)(3) organizations and global equivalents. We also make grants to organizations aligned with our philanthropic priorities, including environmental protection and social & racial equity.
Our Technology
By embracing DocuSign’s fully digital electronic signature solution, nonprofits are not only improving productivity and efficiency, they are ensuring more value gets to the communities they serve — where every dollar and minute is more important than ever. DocuSign offers the industry-leading eSignature solution to qualifying nonprofit organizations at a discount, and donates designated web products to organizations with more limited budgets through our partnership with TechSoup. Nonprofits also have access to short product consultations through the DocuSign Impact Corps, a volunteer network of DocuSign experts available to help organizations achieve their missions faster through electronic agreements.
See our blog
Find out how DocuSign IMPACT fosters community
Check out the DocuSign Blog to get the latest updates on IMPACT’s contribution to the local community.