Diversity and inclusion at DocuSign

Diversity is what makes us whole

We are committed to building trust and making the world more agreeable for our employees.

Work of Your Life: Diversity & Inclusion

At DocuSign, we each have a responsibility to be fair and treat everyone equally. You can count on us to listen, be honest, and try our best to do what’s right, every day including striving for equal pay, equal opportunity, equal everything. That’s why “responsible” in this way is one of our core values. We are responsible for ensuring every team member has an equal opportunity to succeed, to be heard, to exchange ideas openly, to build lasting relationships, and to do the work of their life. 

Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging (DIBs) enable all of us to do the work of our lives at DocuSign. We know that having diverse teams working in an inclusive environment will help us achieve better business results — across product innovation, customer experience and employee success. By focusing on building diverse, inclusive teams across every level and within each department, we’re creating an environment where everyone can contribute to our success.

How do we define DIBs?


Our unique and individual experiences, perspectives, skills, characteristics and backgrounds that we each bring to DocuSign.


A type of work environment that encourages and enables us all to be ourselves so that we can harness the collective power of our diversity. This includes policies, practices, behaviors and interactions with colleagues and customers.


The feeling that we, as individuals, can bring our full, authentic selves to work. The feeling that our differences are recognized, valued, and respected.


We need more points of view at the table and that requires greater diversity across a variety of individual perspectives, cultural backgrounds and experiences. Talent won’t just arrive on our doorstep, so we go and find candidates and encourage them to join DocuSign.
Innovation relies on diverse perspectives; we seek to increase the diversity of individuals  at the table helping us develop our products and our business. That’s why we are investing in building strong community partnerships that can help us create  a sustainable, diverse pipeline of talent. We are also expanding outreach efforts and partnerships with a variety of schools and organizations to ensure that a diverse range of students across geographies, ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds learn about our university programs. We are also launching an outreach guide as a resource for employees who want to support external efforts or events related to diversity, inclusion and belonging.

Once candidates send us their resumes, we want to make sure they have a chance to tell their story. So, we have worked with our partners in recruiting and hiring managers and interviewers to develop a special training called “License to Interview”. In this training, which is now required for anyone involved in the interview process, employees learn how to disrupt bias in our hiring processes and understand the importance of building a diverse candidate slate and diverse slate of interviewers.


Once these candidates become employees, we want them to thrive and find themselves in an inclusive culture where they feel a sense of belonging and where they can do the work of their lives.

Through employee and management training, workshops, speaker series and online learning, we are actively raising awareness, cultivating an inclusive culture and building practical skills on how to mitigate bias and demonstrate allyship. One of our four DocuSign Manager Expectations, “Be An Example,” focuses on inclusive leadership. People managers at all levels take an immersive workshop aligned to this expectation on interrupting bias, communicating with respect and establishing an inclusive team environment that enables belonging and contribution from all members. In our Understanding Bias and Demonstrating Allyship workshop, which is taken by all employees, we work to translate awareness into action. These workshops build a foundation of understanding across our teams on how bias can disrupt diversity, inclusion, collaboration and effective decision making and provides employees with a five part framework for building allyship skills. In addition to these topics, we have curated several pathways in DocuSign Learning (our internal learning platform) to help our community learn more about topics such as racism, inclusion, belonging, bias and covering.
We recognize that professional development and career growth is an essential part of the employee experience and particularly important for retaining and advancing underrepresented talent. DocuSign has made significant investments in training and development resources that support the career growth for employees at all levels and proactively communicates these opportunities via our quarterly Personal Growth Guide.  We have created tools like the Inclusive Performance Feedback Guide which helps people managers combat bias during performance reviews and anytime feedback is provided. We also have developed our Next Level Leadership program which was designed to further develop our director-level leaders who identify as women, Black/African American, and LatinX to take on increased responsibilities and advance their careers within our organization.
DocuSign has numerous active Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that help further our goal to build an inclusive culture where diverse teams thrive. ERGs provide employees a way to meet colleagues outside peer groups, participate in personal and professional learning and development and give back to the community through volunteering, donation drives, and awareness campaigns.

Our ERGs currently include:

DocuSign Black Organization for Leadership and Development


DocuSign Black Organization for Leadership and Development is committed to building and nurturing an inclusive culture that emBOLDens our Black / African descendants / African American community. BOLD acts as a conduit to opportunities, relationships and experiences that will transcend members' careers.

DocuSign Caregivers


DocuSign Caregivers works to connect, support and engage our community of caregivers by creating safe spaces to share experiences and learn about the resources, benefits and tools available to help families thrive.

DocuSign Honor


DocuSign Honor strives to develop and leverage veteran talent at DocuSign and across our communities. We are ambassadors in the movement of awareness, inclusion and belonging.

DocuSign Latinx


DocuSign Latinx strives to develop and leverage Latinx and Hispanic talent at DocuSign and across our communities. We promote diversity and equality actively across our organization, our communities and our customer relationships.

DocuSign Pan Asian Voices for Equity


DocuSign Pan Asian Voices for Equity fosters inclusion among employees with Asian backgrounds and/or experiences through empowerment, cultural celebration, and community building.

DocuSign Pride


DocuSign Pride is a celebration of our LGBTQIA+ community. Pride is our promise to connect through shared experiences and to encourage each other to come just as we are – to always respect each other’s true identities, pronouns, and chosen names. Through our core values of inclusion, acceptance, visibility and education, we are stronger together.

DocuSign TrueAbility


DocuSign TrueAbility creates inclusion and belonging through connection, collaboration and community for people affected by disabilities, seen and unseen.

DocuSign Women in Solution Engineering


DocuSign Women in Solution Excellence (WISE) creates a forum for women and allies in the Solution Engineering organization to excel at DocuSign by putting into action our values of Networking, Diversity & Inclusion, and Work/ Life Balance.

DocuSign Women in Product Development


DocuSign Women in Product Development (WIPD) works to advance and advocate for women in technology by providing opportunities to network, develop leadership skills, build community and enable both mentorship and sponsorship.

DocuSign Women


DocuSign Women works to create a culture where all women are supported and empowered to reach their fullest potential. We create opportunities to connect and contribute, enabling us to grow as individuals and collectively — together building a stronger, inspired community.

DocuSign Women Account Executives in Sales


Women Account Executives in Sales (WAES) is a community dedicated to supporting women in AE roles and their allies through professional development, mentoring and networking.

Our Data

Data can help drive diversity, and we collect and report data internally and externally to support our diversity and inclusion goals. 

Data: We post company-level information by gender and U.S. information by race/ethnicity on our public website to hold ourselves accountable and underscore our commitment to improve.

In 2020, we also committed to the following aspirational goals by FY24 with support from our leadership and board:

  • Increase US representation of under-represented racial and ethnic groups by 30%
  • Increase US representation of under-represented racial and ethnic groups in leadership by 30%
  • Increase US representation of under-represented racial and ethnic groups in tech roles by 25%
  • Increase global representation of women by 15%
  • Increase global representation of women in leadership by 30%
  • Increase global representation of women in tech roles by 20%

Pay Equity: Our commitment to accountability includes analyzing pay equity during our annual compensation review. Depending on the outcome of the analysis, we will adjust compensation appropriately.

Global Representation of Women at DocuSign as of January 31, 2022


All DocuSign




Non Tech


Pie chart showing overall race and ethnicity at DocuSign in the U.S.

U.S. Overall | Race & Ethnicity at DocuSign

61.2% White
23.4% Asian
4% Two or more races (not Hispanic or Latinx)
4.5% Black or African American
6.3% Hispanic or Latinx
0.4% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
0.1% American Indian or Alaska Native

Pie chart showing overall race and ethnicity at DocuSign in the U.S.

U.S. Leadership | Race & Ethnicity at DocuSign

58.4% White
32.4% Asian
3.4% Two or more races (not Hispanic or Latinx)
2.1% Black or African American
3.6% Hispanic or Latinx
0.3% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
0% American Indian or Alaska Native

Pie chart showing race and ethnicity in technical job functions at DocuSign

U.S. Technical | Race & Ethnicity at DocuSign

48.8% White
38.3% Asian
3.8% Two or more races (not Hispanic or Latinx)
3.8% Black or African American
4.7% Hispanic or Latinx
0.4% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
0.1% American Indian or Alaska Native

Pie chart showing race and ethnicity in non-technical job functions at DocuSign

U.S. Non-Technical | Race & Ethnicity at DocuSign

68.8% White
14.3% Asian
4.1% Two or more races (not Hispanic or Latinx)
4.9% Black or African American
7.2% Hispanic or Latinx
0.5% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
0.2% American Indian or Alaska Native

More information

For more information about what it’s like to work at DocuSign, visit www.docusign.com/workofyourlife and check out our ratings on Glassdoor.