Developers: we are listening!

Market conditions have changed since the pandemic and especially over the last year, businesses have had to evolve rapidly and reinvent themselves to take a more digital-first approach. This has accelerated the need for businesses to adopt eSignature solutions, and, as a developer, you have a key role to play in decision-making. You assess the solutions based on several parameters, including product features and capabilities, and so it has become even more important for Product Managers to listen closely to your needs.

Share your ideas directly with the DocuSign product team!

Today, we are happy to announce that you have a new way to submit your ideas, powered by UserVoice. Make your voice heard by sharing your ideas directly with the DocuSign developer product team and help us improve our developer offerings! 

In your own words, you can describe in detail what features, capabilities or enhancements you would like to see incorporated into the DocuSign Developer Center. You can also review ideas that have been submitted previously, vote on them, and help your favorite ideas to be bubbled up. Product managers at DocuSign will actively review your ideas to see if they can be added to the product roadmap. You will also have visibility into the status of your ideas.

How it works

Follow these steps to vote on your favorite ideas or submit a brand new one:

  1. Open or click the “Share an idea” link available on the footer of any page on the DocuSign Developer Center.
  2. Search the forums to determine if your idea has already been submitted.
  3. Get ready to vote or submit your new idea by signing in via your production DocuSign account (preferred) or your developer account. If you don’t already have a developer account, sign up!
  4. If you find that your idea has already been submitted by others, show your support and vote for it.  This is a crucial step because the more votes an idea has, the higher the chances of it getting prioritized in the roadmap. So, remember that your vote counts—a lot!
  5. If your idea is brand-new, choose the appropriate forum from the left pane where this idea may be best suited to live.
  6. Enter your idea, choose the category, and provide a detailed and clear description. If you are currently using workarounds, we would certainly love to hear about that as well.
  7. Finally, post the idea and you are done!

What happens next ?

On a biweekly basis, the DocuSign product management team will review your submissions and update the status on these submissions. You can expect your submissions to be in one of these states:

  • Under Review: when the PM team has reviewed your submission
  • Need more votes: when more votes are needed to prioritize the submission
  • Planned: when your submission has been accepted and has been planned
  • Started: when the implementation is in progress
  • Completed: when the idea has been implemented and launched
  • Sorry, perhaps later: is when we are unable to fulfill this request at this time

Now you are all set to share your next big idea with the DocuSign product team. Go ahead, let us hear your voice! 

Additional resources

Suman Seshadri
Suman Seshadri
Lead Product Manager
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