Developer Spotlight: Zing Zai Loo, DocuSign

Spotlight Developer, Zing Zai Loo

Zing Zai Loo is a Solutions Engineer and part of the APAC DocuSign organization. He received his Bachelors in Computer Science from Nanyang Technology University, Singapore and was awarded an undergraduate scholarship during his course of study. After completing his studies, he began his career as a software engineer developing back-end web applications in Java and Python. He moved on to develop full-stack applications, where he worked on front-end applications in JavaScript (React) and delivered them using DevOps practices. Zing Zai loves to use technology to help people do what they were not able to do before and feels most fulfilled when he applies skills and knowledge to do so. 

In 2021, Zing Zai moved into Solutions Engineering. The software engineering skills he acquired during the early years of his career helped build a strong foundation for him to quickly pick up the DocuSign eSignature REST API, the DocuSign Apex Toolkit and Salesforce Apex. This allowed him to think out of the box and quickly iterate to develop proof-of-concept demonstrations for his customers. His technical expertise, coupled with product knowledge and customer obsession, drive pre-sales conversations to help customers capture tangible business value. 

In six months since joining DocuSign, Zing Zai has contributed to the development community (blogs, sample codes) on the DocuSign Developer Blog. This helped guide developers build DocuSign integrations with invaluable documentation and resources. Within DocuSign, he also built demo kits using the Salesforce Experience Cloud so that his team and DocuSigners can quickly showcase DocuSign and Salesforce seamless integration to customers.

Outside of work, Zing Zai is an early bird who enjoys hiking and reading. He is an avid Survivor fan and his favorite type of films to watch are thrillers. You can reach Zing Zai on LinkedIn.

Matt Lusher
Matthew Lusher
Senior Programmer Writer