Developer Spotlight: Todd Withers, General Networks Corporation

Spotlight Developer, Todd Withers

Todd Withers began his development career in 1979 writing machine language on a PDP-8. From there he moved on to MASM, Fortran, Basic, COBOL, Pascal, Delphi, C++, HTML, ASP, C#, JavaScript, Node.js and a dozen others. He found his stride as he transitioned to building customized solutions based on early document management systems like PCDocs, SoftSolutions and OpenText. This is where Todd got his first experiences integrating multiple platforms in order to build composite solutions. Connecting Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions to workflow systems, HR platforms, and ERPs created powerful solutions that provided significant operational benefits while improving accuracy and compliance. 

In 2012, Todd got his first experience with the DocuSign eSignature REST API, integrating with an ECM used to manage time-share contracts at a Fortune 100 company. The company had been using paper signatures for contracts, but wanted to improve both efficiency and the experience for its buyers. DocuSign was the obvious fit to greatly improve the buyer experience; however, maximizing efficiency meant connecting DocuSign to the ECM system where contracts were drafted and maintained. Todd was able to integrate the ECM system quickly and easily using the DocuSign eSignature REST API following the publicly available comprehensive documentation

In 2016, Todd started building solutions on ServiceNow and quickly identified an opportunity to integrate the platform with DocuSign. Again using the DocuSign eSignature REST API, he led the effort to build eSignifi, which is a toolkit/SDK that provides a simple point-and-click ability to integrate between ServiceNow and DocuSign for any use case. Working with DocuSign development resources, Todd and team built eSignifi leveraging DocuSign Connect, OAuth, Templates and many other powerful features of DocuSign and the eSignature REST API. eSignifi allows ServiceNow developers to make native calls that translate to calls to the DocuSign eSignature REST API. The eSignifi SDK provides envelope creation from a workflow step in ServiceNow’s workflow tool or from a single line of JavaScript code. eSignifi is available in the ServiceNow app store

When Todd is not writing code, he enjoys golf and recently got his first hole-in-one at Rosapenna Golf Resort in Donegal, Ireland. You can reach him on LinkedIn.

Matt Lusher
Matthew Lusher
Senior Programmer Writer