Developer Spotlight: Mike Borozdin, Google

Spotlight Developer, Mike Borozdin

Mike Borozdin started programming in his early teens while growing up down the street from the Microsoft campus in Redmond. After getting a degree in computer science from University of Washington, Mike spent 5 years working in the Windows group at Microsoft before joining DocuSign in 2006. 

Mike's contributions as a DocuSign developer are foundational: during his ten years at DocuSign, Mike created DocuSign Developer Center, worked with key partners, and oversaw the creation of tools and features that made integration with DocuSign the default choice for business applications. Under his leadership, the DocuSign developer network went from zero to 25,000 developers, the DocuSign platform was recognized as the leading eSignature API by technical press, and the joint applications with Microsoft, Salesforce and Google won partner awards several years in a row.

Mike is currently working at Google on the Kubernetes team creating tools for customers to manage policy, configuration, and deployment in their datacenters and Google Cloud. You can reach him on LinkedIn.

Matt Lusher
Matthew Lusher
Senior Programmer Writer