Developer Spotlight: Bishoy Botros, Gulf Business Machines

Spotlight Developer, Bishoy Botros

Bishoy Botros’s passion for computer science began early on in secondary school, inspiring him to follow that passion to Cairo University, where he earned his degree. Since beginning his career in 2006, he has had the chance to experience several programming languages in different software domains, especially enterprise content management (ECM) and related software, platforms, and projects. 

As part of his current focus on ECM, Bishoy is responsible for Gulf Business Machines’s integration components, including GBM’s DocuSign integration plug-in that he built for IBM Content Navigator (ICN). The GBM ICN plug-in for DocuSign utilizes DocuSign web agent integration APIs to enable ICN users to interactively sign documents in FileNet and store the signed document as a new version from within the ICN interface without the need to send physical documents for signature. 

Away from work, Bishoy enjoys spending time with his wife and children, and indulging in his favorite sport, table tennis. You can reach him on LinkedIn.


Matt Lusher
Matthew Lusher
Senior Programmer Writer