A Conversation with Dr. Jane Goodall: "The Future You and I Would Like to See"

June 5th is World Environment Day, a celebration focused on how we can reimagine, recreate and restore our planet’s precious ecosystems. And it’s a perfect day to wrap up our video series celebrating the 60th anniversary of Jane Goodall’s arrival in Gombe, Tanzania, which led to a reimagining of how species and environmental conservation were done.

Dr. Goodall’s career has been a tremendous source of inspiration to all of us at DocuSign, and we are not alone in our reverence for her. In late May, she was awarded the Templeton Prize honoring those who bring scientific insights to understanding the deepest questions of the universe and humankind’s purpose and place within it. With this honor, she joins previous laureates including Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama, and Mother Teresa.

So, with this final installment of our series, we’d like to congratulate Dr. Goodall on this wonderful honor and her lifetime of contributions to all of the world’s creatures and their habitats.

Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, is the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace.

Charlotte Flanagan
Charlotte Flanagan
Senior Director, Impact & Sustainability
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