Video: DocuSign CEO Dan Springer’s Advice for Small Businesses

While DocuSign has grown considerably over the last few years, we’ve never forgotten our small business roots. Small businesses are truly the heart of our economy – and the engine that powers our DocuSign community.

Recently I had the chance to sit down with DocuSign CEO Dan Springer for our virtual event focused on Helping Small Businesses Move Forward. Dan spoke about the current business landscape and what small businesses need to do to stay strong and grow. Watch the video below to see the full conversation. Here are a few of my top take-aways:

  • Small businesses are a vital part of DocuSign: Small businesses play a huge role in driving growth in the economy, as well as at DocuSign. “We would not be the thriving successful business we are today if it hadn’t been for small businesses.”  
  • Now is the time to foster trust with employees and customers: “It’s super important to have really open and consistent communication. For customers, you need to let them know that you’re going to stand by them through challenging times.”  
  • Digital transformation can be a competitive advantage: “Small businesses should take every opportunity to avail themselves of the same digital transformation opportunities larger businesses have. And we put a lot of focus on building our products so they can.”  
  • Make it easy for customers: “Our web properties and also our mobile apps allow small businesses to quickly adopt our products so they can get on to serving their customers.”

Watch the full video to hear more of Dan Springer’s thoughts on why small businesses are so important, how digital transformation can help them even the playing field with their larger counterparts, and how DocuSign can help

Robin Joy
Robin Joy
SVP, Global Alliances & Partner Development
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