On-Demand Webinar

Capturing Customer Consent Online with a Single Click

Your customers are engaging with you online more than ever - whether it’s upgrading their mobile data plan, applying for a new credit card, or even buying a new car. However, in order for you to conduct business with your customers, you’ll most likely need to capture their consent to your standard terms and agreements, such as your terms-and-conditions or privacy policy.

On the surface, the “I agree” button on these clickwrap agreements seem pretty simple--all customers need to do is click a button or check a box. However, for businesses, managing these agreements can be quite complex. In fact, companies who don’t have the proper clickwrap processes in place can open themselves up to legal risk. For example, a large international business services customer faced up to $1 million in lawsuit fees every year because they couldn’t prove their customers had consented to their terms-and-conditions.

In this webinar, hear how American First Finance is investing in the DocuSign Agreement Cloud to improve their digital customer experience while minimizing their legal risk. Like many other companies, their customers must consent to American First Finance’s standard terms before engaging in business online. Hear why they decided to use DocuSign Click to quickly and securely capture customer consent. You’ll also hear how they’re using eSignature and CLM to accelerate and automate their agreement processes.


  • Doug Luftman, Deputy General Counsel - DocuSign 
  • Julianne Wu, Director of Product Management - DocuSign
  • Stacey Shaw, Technology and Transactions Counsel - American First Finance 

*Correction: American First Finance is not currently testing DocuSign’s Identify SMS authentication feature as stated in the presentation but is using a proprietary SMS authentication prior to initiating the DocuSign eSignature process.

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