Man laughing in a backyard in evening light.

Manage agreement processes on your iOS devices

DocuSign + Apple

eSignature solutions for Apple iOS

From small businesses to large enterprises, DocuSign provides customers with a simple and secure digital solution to sign, send and manage your documents on your favorite iOS devices.

DocuSign for Apple iOS
Sign documents even when you’re offline
DocuSign for Apple iPhone apps
Real time updates on your document’s status
DocuSign for Apple iOS
Use your iOS device to get in-person signatures
Apple iPhone DocuSign product ui image

DocuSign for iOS

With a track record of 99.99% availability and industry-leading security, DocuSign eSignature—available in 43 languages for signing—allows you to send and sign agreements safely and reliably.

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Third party iOS apps

DocuSign seamlessly integrates with some of your favorite iOS apps, so you can use DocuSign in a way that works best for you. Easily close deals and execute contracts within the Salesforce1 app, or sign and send documents directly from your Box account. Once your documents are completed, automatically save and store them in Box or Google Drive.


Integrate with box on your iOS devices
Integrate DocuSign with your Salesforce app
Electronically sign without leaving your Evernote app
Integrate DocuSign with your Dropbox app
Integrate DocuSign with your Egnyte app
Integrate DocuSign with your Google Drive app
Electronically sign documents from within your Microsoft Outlook app
DocuSign - Microsoft Word app

Custom iOS solutions

Use DocuSign’s mobile SDK and APIs to quickly and easily embed DocuSign into your own custom iOS apps. Connect DocuSign into your existing systems, enabling you to automatically retrieve and return data.


Embed DocuSign directly into your own custom iOS apps
import com.docusign.esign.api.*;
import com.docusign.esign.client.*;
import com.docusign.esign.model.*;

// Enter your DocuSign credentials
String UserName = "[EMAIL]";
String Password = "[PASSWORD]";
String IntegratorKey = "[INTEGRATOR_KEY]";

// for production environment update to ""
String BaseUrl = "";

// initialize the api client for the desired environment
ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();

// create JSON formatted auth header
String creds = "{\"Username\":\"" + UserName + "\",\"Password\":\"" + Password + "\",\"IntegratorKey\":\"" + IntegratorKey + "\"}";
apiClient.addDefaultHeader("X-DocuSign-Authentication", creds);

// assign api client to the Configuration object

 // login call available off the AuthenticationApi
 AuthenticationApi authApi = new AuthenticationApi();

 // login has some optional parameters we can set
 AuthenticationApi.LoginOptions loginOps = LoginOptions();
 LoginInformation loginInfo = authApi.login(loginOps);

 // note that a given user may be a member of multiple accounts
 List loginAccounts = loginInfo.getLoginAccounts();

 System.out.println("LoginInformation: " + loginAccounts);
catch (com.docusign.esign.client.ApiException ex)
 System.out.println("Exception: " + ex);

Learn more about custom solutions in the DocuSign Developer Center.

Developer Center

Transform your business with DocuSign and Apple

Power your everyday business processes by combining DocuSign with Apple: two companies known for providing a superior customer experience, along with security and reliability.
Handshake icon

Empower field sales teams

Using DocuSign on iPads, Comcast’s field sales team doubled their prospect interactions and increased closing rates by 30 percent.

Download Comcast case study (PDF)

Person icon with a clock and an arrow trending upward

Increase employee productivity

Speed up service in the field and make customers happier with easy signing and consistently up-to-date information. Using a custom iOS application, field technicians have information, like parts and inventory data, at their fingertips. By adding DocuSign, technicians can also get work approvals and contract signatures on the spot.

Human and heart icon

Enhance customer service

Interact with more customers and close deals faster with improved customer and employee experiences. T-Mobile enabled its store associates to execute paperwork for mobile phone plans on iPads, anywhere in the store.

Icon of a clock with arrow going clockwise

Save time

Healthcare security and compliance are critical. DocuSign for iOS lets doctors and patients review and complete forms efficiently and securely. Medical consent forms can be signed quickly and even remotely, so doctors can spend more time with patients.

DocuSign has become pervasive in our culture, enabling us to close deals in minutes instead of days. Our sales reps are more efficient, allowing them to close the loop and close the deal.
Terry Connell

Senior Vice President, Comcast

Ready to get started with DocuSign for Apple?

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